Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre

1 in every 4 people suffer from this?
If you catch a cold, you know it, because usually you have runny nose, sore throat, cough, and congestion problem. So getting a cold is no big deal, as when you know it’s here, you will find ways to tackle it. However, what if there are illnesses that are harming every 1 in 4 people in our society and you may actually be one of the victims?

This illness is called mood disorders. Unfortunately, this illness is not 1 illness but a collection of mental disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, depression and many more. They are common to have, but very hard to be diagnosed. This is why our latest client, the Hong Kong Mood Disorder Centre, strives to meet this challenge. They are set up to arouse awareness toward mood disorder, provide treatment and training for patients. 

To achieve this goal, this client believes a relaxing, light and comfortable  website can help, as potential patients can look around, understand the disorders and seek help.

A relaxing, light and comfortable website? How can we make a site like this?
On the home page, our client suggests putting a group of animated curvy lines in the top banner. These slowly-moving lines represent the emotional problems in our mind, which fits perfectly to our client’s work.

We also slow down the website animation for a more relaxing feeling. When you go around the website, banners, texts, images, and even the contact forms are fading in slowly and consistently. When users are viewing these, they feel much less rush and overwhelmed. 

Apart from animation, we focus our attention also on selecting images that match our clients’ work. On the page about Depression, we hand-picked images that fit the description of depression. These images complement the description and make it more relevant to website users.

Throughout the whole developing process, our colleagues have valuable communication with our clients. Even though we argue about the alignment of text, the color,  the banner icons, the speed of the animation, the images used on each disorder detail page, etc, finally we come up with a well designed website that hopefully helps our client achieve their mission.