Dr Fan’s Animal Care Centre works with animals. Pets make our lives better and completely rely on humans in all areas of life. We pay them for the friendship with feeding, care and consideration. The workers here may help us to be responsible pet owners.
Explora empowers businesses to make better decisions using data solutions and technology. Our core business involves data transformation, BI data analytics, workflow automation, data management services, project management, change management and QA services.
PREMIA International Young Artists Music Festival 欢迎来自世界各地的参赛者。本音乐节的宗旨是鼓励青年音乐家追求卓越的音乐艺术,并为得奖者提供宝贵公开演奏的机会,在纽约著名的卡内基音乐厅以及其他知名的音乐厅演出。
Projexasia is a client-focused Main Contracting and Construction Management company also providing Project Management and Management Contracting services.
Established by a team of interior design specialists and furniture artisans, we strive to create top quality and timeless furniture collection that enrich the life sensation to the fullest.
Investigator-initiated clinical studies (IISs) play an important role in translating medical discoveries and hypotheses into clinical practice and bringing important value to advancement of human healthcare.
东区尤德夫人那打素医院 (下称「东区医院」) 于1993 年10月15日成立,是本港一所大型急症医院,为港岛东居民提供全面的专科服务。东区医院是医院管理局港岛东医院联网辖下的七间医院之一,联网内其他医院/医疗机构分别为律敦治医院及邓肇坚医院、东华东院、黄竹坑医院、舂磡角慈氏护养院及长洲医院。
汇添发展有限公司成立于2005年。主要从事及洗衣设备买卖,安装维修。2005年成为美国德克斯特品牌香港及澳门区总代理,2014年成为韩国LG品牌香港区总代理,2019年更 取得美国Speed Queen及Huebsch品牌香港代理。拥有自家维修团队,服务承诺两个工作贡献者到达现场作机器检查。公司代理以专业知识解决洗涤设备的问题,保障设备拥有者及用户的安全。
Founded in 1886, CPA Australia is one of the world's largest professional accounting bodies. Representing more than 166,000 members across more than 100 countries, CPA Australia has more than 25,000 members working in senior leadership positions.
百信创立于香港,作为泛亚地区其中一个最大的商务服务平台,总部设址于香港金钟商业区甲级商业大厦,分行座落于新加坡及内地四大一线城市: 北京、上海、广州和深圳。逾百位精英为来自世界各地的客户提供公司注册、商标注册、会计核数、税务咨询、上市融资等多元化商务服务。
LC Capital is a company which offers lifecycle support all the way through from inception to structuring and eventually to implementing carefully orchestrated exit strategies, specialising in working with start-ups and small & medium sized enterprises.
We aim to deliver high risk-adjusted returns with relatively low correlations to major asset classes.
For stream-lining business focus, Nanoflex Limited transferred ALL its business on Nanoflex® illumination technology to Nanoflex Lighting Limited with effect from 1st June 2019.
KIRA Design Ltd is recognized as a full-service interior fit-out company with our own construction company Times Creative Construction Ltd which specializing in interiors, architecture, contracting works, home furnishing and lighting products. Our dedicated in-house design and project teams have a wealth of experience and knowledge in working for the high-end luxury residential and commercial projects of main property developers in Hong Kong & China and private residences of celebrities.
P.C. 形象顾问公司于2003年在香港成立,提供专业的形象、礼仪和沟通的服务和培训。在过去的十多年里,我们服务过众多不同领域的公司客户,包括零售业、金融业、地产业等等,积累了丰富的经验,获得了高度的评价。